
1. Individual Counseling: This is included in every visit, even visits for pharmacologic purposes. It comes in units of 15 minutes, so there are appointments for 15, 30, 45, 60, or more minutes. The length of service that is billed is the actual length of time delivered. The counseling is supportive, educational, insight-oriented, and directed to situations occurring in the life of the patient.

2. Marital Counseling: The purpose is to evaluate the current marital situation for remediable problems. The marital contract is examined, and important considerations for happiness and adjustment are delineated. Sessions of 45 or 60 minutes address these considerations. It is goal-directed and time-limited.

3. Sexual Counseling: This covers individual or marital couple counsel on the anatomy, physiology, and techniques of sexual adjustment. It is goal-directed and time-limited.

4. Family Counseling: Family counseling educates about the patient’s illness and treatment. It is done to share with the family certain aspects of the patient’s concerns, symptoms, or the like. It has important purposes to teach and encourage proper adjustment to the symptoms and the way they alter the patient’s behavior. It  teaches coping skills for the patient’s specific symptoms and behaviors. It teaches family members how to recognize the differences between symptoms and ordinary behavior, and how to react to them.